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How do Spanish authorities attract residents to rural areas?

July 20, 2021

Attracting residents to Spanish villages: program options

In many European countries there is an aging of the nation and a decrease in the birth rate. This affects the population of the states. Young people are leaving the remote regions in search of greater opportunities. The same situation happens in Spain, where entire villages are abandoned. In order to prevent the process of rural devastation, the authorities involve residents in certain areas.
Special programs and initiatives are being implemented in the country to popularize local villages and show the benefits of such life for people of different ages. Those wishing to move are offered a good job, real estate and financial support in the amount of several thousand euros. These efforts are aimed at preventing a mass outflow of people, as a result of which many settlements in Spain resemble ghost towns.
This list includes the village of Ponga, which is located in the north of the country. The population is declining at a catastrophic rate. In order to support the region and not lead to the decline of the settlement, local authorities initiated a program to attract residents. Under this program, couples who will settle in the village will receive a 3,000 euro reward. For each child who will be born in Ponga, an additional 3 thousand euros will also be offered.

The population of Olmeda de la Cuesta, which is considered one of the oldest villages in the state, has also decreased. It was decided to prevent the desolation here in another way. Local self-government bodies put up for auction land plots of various sizes. Their cost is much lower than it is customary on the market – from 200 to 3 thousand euros. The main requirement for acquisition is to build a house on the land within 3 years. About 40 plots of land have already been sold.
In the region of Galicia there are several villages, which are characterized by the problem of low population. In one of these villages, visitors are offered to pay a monthly allowance of 100-150 euros. In another village you can choose a house for rent, which is only 100 euros per month.
In the city of Argansa there is a program, under which families with two or more children have the opportunity to get a house for free. And in Retortillo de Soria the unemployed will be helped with finding a job.
An interesting solution to attract residents was found in a village located in the province of Teruel. Here they organized a full-fledged PR company, which described all the advantages of the village. This idea was appreciated by more than 700 people who chose a quiet life in the village instead of daily stress in the city. Interestingly, in this case the local authorities did not promise money or free houses. However, they were so successful in emphasizing the merits of the region that the program worked and the village found new people.