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Presentation: how to get your message across to a wider audience

October 12, 2023

Features of creating and delivering presentation

A presentation is an indispensable tool for those who want to interest customers and partners in their product, present the features of their business, and convey valuable information. However, a good idea is not enough to ensure success. It is important to organise your presentation and structure the material so that the audience is interested in what you have to say.
A popular presentation tool is the use of slides projected on a projector or screen. In this case, text or graphics are better perceived on a dark background, such as black and dark grey, blue or green. This background highlights essential information and is less tiring on the eyes than on a white background. The presenter will look much better against a dark background.
Regarding the slides themselves, it is better to stick to the principle of “one point – one image”. This will help people absorb the information better, and changing slides will help them move from one of your ideas to another. Also, if there is a lot of text in a picture, the audience will concentrate on reading it and pay less attention to the speaker’s words.


What to pay special attention to when creating a presentation

The presentation should be lively, so periodically move away from a dry presentation of facts and engage the audience by inserting relevant jokes or digressing into the topic with valuable examples.
Avoid repeating information during the presentation; it is better not to duplicate information on slides and in the oral presentation. It is better to leave charts, key phrases and illustrations for the slides. Attention should be paid to the language and style of the presentation. It is crucial that the speaker consistently presents his thoughts but does not complicate the monologue with incomprehensible language or lengthy descriptions. Keeping control of the presentation thread is vital to avoid deviating from the main idea. The speech should be clear and concise. To this end, you should prepare and learn an outline of your speech in advance.
Particular attention should be paid to the beginning of the presentation. You need to engage the audience to get them interested in the topic. Otherwise, people will not listen to you, and your time and effort will be wasted. Therefore, in the first few minutes of your presentation, you need to make contact with the audience and get to know them. You can make jokes to create a trusting atmosphere, but the jokes must be appropriate to the audience and the topic of the meeting.
Before you create your presentation, you need to identify the main points you want to make to people. These points should form the basis of the rest of the text. You need to make a strong case for what you are saying and back it up with facts and examples.