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Current real estate sales strategies for a changing property market

September 14, 2023

What real estate sales strategies can be used to promote developers

The real estate market has characteristics that affect its promotion. The high prices in the sector, the long transaction cycle, and buyers’ pre-acquisition behavior should be considered when developing a real estate sales strategy. In addition, we need to pay attention to the changes in the market itself during the pandemic and the crisis year of 2022.
In the past period, the real estate sector has faced new challenges: rising lending rates, falling purchasing power, and falling demand for properties. Developers are trying to adapt to the current realities by changing their sales strategy to a more flexible one. Many developers are introducing new buying programs, promotions, and discounts to get buyers. Aggressive selling doesn’t work these days; it’s much more effective to go gently, considering buyers’ needs as much as possible.
Innovative technical solutions, such as Big Data, should be remembered. Thanks to this analysis format, it is possible to draw up the most accurate portrait of the ideal customer and create a marketing strategy based on it. Big Data collects all data on potential buyers, tracks down people interested in buying a flat, and identifies their requirements for the property.

online real estate sales strategy

Online real estate sales strategies

SEO remains relevant for promotion in both the housing market and other sectors. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers choose a flat via search engines. It is, therefore, crucial for a developer to have their website displayed in search engines. However, it should be understood that the real estate niche is highly competitive, so one must be prepared to spend a lot of money to improve the site. The first three positions in the search engine are the most clickable. And with the help of SEO tools, you can ensure that as many users as possible become acquainted with your offer.
Targeted advertising is regarded as effective in selling real estate. It works at the sales funnel stage when a person is getting acquainted with the offer on the market. They already understand their need for a new home but have yet to form a vision of what the flat or house should be. Targeting helps determine the characteristics of their future property.
Contextual advertising is aimed at those who already know what kind of flat or office they want. Such promotion takes into account square footage, location, and other characteristics, acting on a particular group of buyers.
If the developer is targeting young consumers, it is practical to use SMM promotion. Millennials prefer to research the developer and its offer through social networks. Here you can quickly get an answer to a question of interest, thereby narrowing the range of choices. Retaining such a client when getting to know the developer is important. Quick communication and a personalized approach to each client will work well.