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The CustDev Concept: how to understand the problems and needs of your customers

September 29, 2022

CustDev: Tips for conducting in-depth client interviews

No matter how original and fresh the idea, it must be useful to the consumer. Therefore, before launching a product, it is important to understand who it is aimed at, and how the target audience will make the decision to buy it. To understand how the customer thinks, their problems and their needs, the concept of CustDev is used. It consists of the research of the audience through detailed interviews. A questionnaire is prepared in advance for him, where various hypotheses are presented.
Advantages of CustDev:
– allows you to test the viability of a product or service and the benefit to consumers;
– identifies customers’ goals, needs, and problems;
– helps to understand the fears and doubts of the target audience, which inhibit the decision to buy a product;
– identifies negative aspects of the product that discourage customers.
CustDev is conducted exclusively on an audience that is interested in the product. This allows the results of the interview to improve characteristics. Before conducting the survey, it is necessary to segment the respondents. Most often a division of the audience by age is used, e.g.:
– category of people 25-30 years old;
– 31-37 years old;
– 38-45 years old.
Segmentation by gender is used, it is also important to consider geolocation, occupation, and income level.

The CustDev Concept

In order to get reliable and useful results from the interview, it is important to adhere to certain rules.
1. The interview should last 15 minutes or more because with less time a person does not have time to get used to the format and open up. However, the interview should not last more than 1 hour.
2. The clearer the question, the clearer the answer. The wording should be simple and concise.
3. Don’t stray from the main goal. Questions should be solely related to the product and service, as well as customer concerns.
4. During the interview, it is important to monitor respondents’ reactions, and note their tone, uncertainty, or stiffness when asked certain questions.
5. A video recording can help you notice small changes or reactions. By watching the video, you can tell when a person lied when they didn’t want to answer a question.
Finding the right audience for CustDev can be done through the Internet by publishing a post with relevant information. In addition, there are various publics and groups where people are willing to take part in such projects. The survey can be paid, free, or accompanied by various bonuses, such as a discount on the purchase of a product.
The processing of interview results should include a record of all responses. They can be divided into several groups so that it is more convenient to process them. For example, objections and doubts require further elaboration and in-depth analysis of their causes. The results of CustDev will be a great help for further work with the target audience, staff training, and product improvement.