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Customer portrait: what it is and what it’s for

March 21, 2022

What is the ideal customer portrait

Promotion of a company, its products or services begins with analysis and understanding of the target audience. To this end, a customer portrait is compiled – a generalized image of the potential consumer. It should tell how old representatives of the target audience are, what their values, problems, social status, type of activity and other important characteristics are.
The more details marketers can analyze about customers, the easier it will be to sell them a product or service. Simply put, experts will know which points to target to attract the consumer.
The customer portrait is a half-fictional character of the ideal customer that is constructed based on the results of market research and real information from existing customers. This portrait makes it possible to divide customers into categories, each of which has its own problems and peculiarities. And the company’s product or service allows solving these problems.
The customer portrait is used in personalized marketing, on the basis of which a specialist creates a promotion strategy that will be most effective for a particular target audience.

ideal customer portrait

Creating the image of the ideal customer is time-consuming, but the effort yields good results. Marketers undertake a long cycle of edits, analysis, and research before presenting the final portrait. As a result, sales professionals get useful information to not just attract customers, but to motivate them to come back to the company again and again. Knowing about customers gives a unique advantage over competitors: promotions will hit the target, increasing sales and improving the company’s image. Thanks to excellent knowledge of the target audience it is possible to influence it through customized marketing content, blog publications on topics important to the client.
In addition, the customer portrait provides an opportunity to find the ideal channel to connect with consumers – and social media is great for such purposes. Sprout Social conducted a consumer survey. Seventy-six percent of them said that when choosing a brand to make a purchase, they focus on being able to communicate with the company through social media. This information is useful in terms of which interaction option consumers prefer and how best to communicate with them. By understanding the wants and needs of customers, the company can create products that can solve people’s problems and improve their lives.
The portrait of the client may change, so it is necessary to analyze the target audience regularly and adjust the image. It should not be created for a long time. It is necessary to understand that changes in the market, global processes change the needs and characteristics of consumers.