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Developers’ digital reality: the role of automation in the development of the real estate market

September 18, 2021

Developers’ digital reality: an overview of innovative solutions 

Digital transformation is an integral part of any market, and real estate is no exception. Providing services online, new approaches in marketing and sales are trends without which the segment is doomed to stagnation. The digital reality of developers now includes modernization of internal processes, changes in the approach to customer service, and implementation of advanced ideas that will allow them to remain competitive.
After 2020, product promotion in the real estate market has taken on a new form. Digital marketing plays a major role in this, with a responsibility to monitor trends and find new tools. Several major developers shared their vision of transformation in the market and individual solutions. For example, the Glavstroy company notes that due to the constantly changing environment, it is necessary to pay special attention to business flexibility. This approach makes it possible to respond quickly and use unique solutions. For new tools and experimental advertising campaigns the budget reserve is 10%, which allows not to be afraid of failure.
Another developer, Mangazeya Development, notes that the digitalization of marketing makes it possible to scale processes in a short time. In addition, the risk of human error is reduced, and the implementation of operations is easier and more cost-effective.
According to the analysis of the implementation of digital transformation in the real estate market, 64% of the surveyed companies managed to achieve high results in the process of business automation. First of all, it is evidenced by the fact that almost all advertising has moved to online format. Developers refuse offline promotions, paying more attention to contextual and media promotion.

Digitalization is actively used not only for advertising purposes. Automated systems help to collect statistics, manage sales and other processes. This reduces the waste of resources on manual operations, increases their efficiency, and the client gets a quick response when interacting with the site.
A useful tool is the CJM or Customer Journey Map, which provides information about the customer’s journey to purchase, their stops and limitations. In addition, data from CJM can be synchronized with other services that collect all information about the user, starting from the view of the first ad. This information lets you know the customer’s needs and offer them the most appropriate solution.
Developers pay special attention to renderings – digital projections of what a house or an entire neighborhood will look like after construction. This solution is important for buyers who purchase housing during the construction phase. This tool also allows you to find out the details of the construction of the property directly on the site. When choosing a house, the client can find out the material and technology of construction, see what the object will look like, assess the layout and options for finishing and interior design of the future apartment.