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How to build a diversified property portfolio

May 20, 2024

What you need to know when building a property portfolio

Any type of investment requires a preliminary assessment of the risks and the level of return. In addition, almost any activity has some probability of failure. The traditional way for an investor to minimise losses is to diversify assets. A property portfolio requires a similar approach, especially in volatile markets.
Diversification helps to offset losses in one asset at the expense of others. For example, if rental yields on residential property have fallen, commercial property will be profitable. In this case, the investor will not suffer significant losses. A well-constructed portfolio does not only include different types of property. Experts also recommend investing in properties in various regions and countries.

Property portfolio diversification strategies

There are different approaches to building a property portfolio. Investors should be aware of the peculiarities of this market. Some properties pay off faster than others. There are different investment strategies, and the choice depends on your investment objectives and financial capabilities.

property portfolio diversification strategies

Options for building a portfolio:
1. Diversity. An investor can use different investment options at the same time. These can be both short and long-term investments in high and low-yielding assets. This approach strengthens the portfolio and provides a steady stream of income. For example, an investor can invest in rental, resale and build-to-rent properties.
2. Working in different sectors. A good solution would be combining different property types in one portfolio. This could be residential, retail, or office. In this way, the entrepreneur is protected against a collapse in one market at the expense of stability in another. This approach is important in times of transition when sector trends change rapidly.
3. Invest in different classes of property. Another strategy is to invest in various classes of property. For example, you could buy a standard family home and a luxury apartment.
4. Changing the location of assets. Property in each city or region has its own characteristics. Buying in different locations will allow you to take advantage of these markets. However, it is essential to take a comprehensive approach to choosing a region and weigh all the pros and cons.
An investor should also consider the risks of the property market as a whole. Cyclicality, overvaluation of assets, and long transaction times – are just some of the sector’s characteristics. A newcomer should seek the help of mentors or experienced players who can explain all the nuances of the activity. After that, the investor should indicate the amount of money he is willing to invest. Do not count on all available funds. This approach is not appropriate. The payback period can be different, and there is a risk of being left without money for a certain period of time.