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Electronic business cards as an effective tool for a realtor

May 11, 2023

Electronic business cards: why it’s time to stop using paper versions

Electronic business cards have replaced standard paper business cards. They are becoming more and more functional and useful for various spheres of activity. Many real estate agencies also use such a variant of providing contact information, and it demonstrates excellent efficiency.
QR business cards help to solve a number of typical problems real estate agencies face. One of them is the change of real estate agents. The work of the agent takes much energy and requires a full commitment, which is not suitable for every person. As a result, the agency has to print new business cards regularly, which entails additional financial costs. In addition, it is important to consider the environmental component – the huge amount of paper products, lamination, and inks – all harmful to the environment.
In most cases, a paper business card is not useful, because customers forget about it without entering the phone number of a realtor in the contact book. As a result, the quality of communication is lost, the client forgets to contact the agency on time, and cooperation becomes more difficult.

using electronic business cards

These problems and a number of other complexities can be easily solved by using electronic business cards. Using special platforms, you can create any number of agent cards, change the data or add new employees if necessary. And the functionality allows you to create a unique design for each realtor, as well as make a kind of landing with a description of the principles and specifics of work, competencies, and other characteristics.
Electronic business cards help to save a lot of money on developing and printing paper versions. Agents have to replenish their stock of business cards regularly and remember to take them to meetings. Using an electronic version saves a lot of hassle and money.
In addition, an agent can instantly send his or her contacts to the client through a special application and be sure that his or her phone number is already saved. In this case, the client does not have to do anything and will not forget to enter the number, as is the case with paper cards.
Each electronic business card has its own QR code: in order to get and save the realtor’s contact, the client has to scan it. This can be done not only in person but also via Zoom or a video call. For convenience, you can print out a QR or NFC sticker and stick it on the back of your smartphone. Another option is to design a paper version of a business card with a QR code or insert it in the signature at the end of an email.
The realtor can also provide his contact by sending the client a link to the electronic business card via messenger.
The electronic business card is one of the elements of personal brand development, which is important for a realtor, especially if he has ambitions to open his own real estate agency.