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How to use event marketing in the property market

March 28, 2024

Event marketing: effective approaches

Event marketing is an effective tool in the property sector, provided you have a well-thought-out strategy. It is important to understand its characteristics and be able to combine them with other approaches to attract customers.
The first step is to choose the type of event. It must meet the pre-defined objectives and be relevant to the target audience and market. In addition, the format of the event will depend on the company’s budget, property type and location. For example, an open day is the most popular option for the commercial property sector. This type of event allows you to demonstrate all the property’s benefits. Such events enable potential clients to see the features of the property in person and assess its layout and other characteristics.
Other formats are also effective for the property market. Webinars, for example, are a cost-effective way to update potential buyers on current listings. In a comfortable environment for all participants, you can answer questions and get client feedback. Seminars are a great way to share an authoritative opinion on a topic.

event marketing to increase sales

Combination event marketing with other instruments

Do not forget to enhance your event marketing with digital channels. A practical option in this case will be social media, which will allow you to:
– draw the attention of a broad audience to the event;
– communicate directly with customers
– inform about new events and share news
– present the offer to users;
– demonstrate the advantages of a particular facility through videos and interactive tours;
– involve experts in joint broadcasts to familiarise potential clients with market trends;
– use influencer marketing tools.
The company can interact with its target audience through social media and increase engagement.

Think outside the box

Event marketing provides an excellent platform for creative ideas. There is no need to limit promotion to highly specialised events. For example, you could involve artists to organise a local exhibition. This approach will help potential investors to look at the property from a different angle. It is essential to demonstrate the benefits of the space and its versatility. In addition, attending a concert, exhibition or charity event will create positive emotions associated with the property.
Like any strategy, event marketing requires precise planning of each step. It should have a crucial objective, such as selling a particular venue, as a starting point. This is vital when organising an event, where attendees need to agree on time, place, and other details. Each meeting should be comfortable for the participants, useful and aligned with the stated theme. Only in this way can you count on the positive results of your efforts.