Social pages

Facebook advertising: how to run an effective advertising campaign

May 23, 2024

How Facebook advertising can help you grow your customer base

Social media is an excellent tool for promoting your business. One of the most effective ways of attracting new customers is through Facebook advertising. However, its effectiveness depends on several important factors when developing a marketing strategy.
A common mistake when advertising on Facebook is the advertiser’s desire to save money. The minimum budget for a campaign on the social network is around 1 euro per day. However, you should not expect great results from a small investment. In this case, creating a marketing strategy should begin with the objectives. Based on this, the specialist makes a budget, realistically assessing the possibilities.
Another common mistake when running an advertising campaign on Facebook is not knowing the target audience. As a result, the ads do not meet the needs and interests of potential customers. In addition, the promotion covers a large category of consumers. In this case, even minimal personalisation does not take place, and the ads do not attract users.

Benefits of the Facebook advertising

Facebook offers excellent opportunities for business development. The platform has all the necessary tools for effective promotion. Social network benefits for business:
– automated approach to campaign creation and maintenance;
– AI tools for target audience analysis and personalisation;
– convenient ad creation service;
– the ability to set individual targets;
– analytics tools;
– easy tracking of conversion rates and reach.
Facebook allows you to capture the attention of audiences of different ages and social statuses. In addition, this social network offers considerable opportunities to scale your business. Ads can be targeted to different markets or a specific location.

Facebook advertising

Setting up Facebook targeted advertising

The first step in working with the Facebook advertising service is to create and populate a personal business page. The next step is registering this account in Business Manager, the social network’s advertising service. The sequence of actions:
– creating a personal account;
– business page registration;
– updating of the advertising cabinet.
Setting up an advertising campaign is in the Business Manager, not your personal page. This is because the latter only allows you to promote one campaign. The Business Manager allows you to create and link many campaigns to one account. In addition, without this service, it is impossible to set up targeting and make advertising as effective as possible. Targeted advertising means only showing ads to users who match certain parameters. Facebook ensures the efficiency of this approach by regularly analysing millions of accounts.
Another essential tool of the platform is the pixel. This is a piece of programming code that is inserted into a company’s website. With the help of this tool, marketers track the number of users and their activity.
Pixel helps collect and analyse relevant data about the target audience’s behaviour. It also enables advertising optimisation and retargeting.