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Fear of missing out: how to use it to attract consumers

March 2, 2023

Fear of missing out: tools for emailing

Psychologists have been talking about the harm of social media for years. Happy photos from travels to exotic countries, family idyll, and successful careers of bloggers cause mixed emotions among their subscribers. Many users of social networks admit that after viewing such content they feel unhappy, as their life is not as unclouded and joyful as that of others. There is a special term for such emotions – fear of missing out, or FOMO. People, comparing themselves to others, fear that they are missing out on opportunities, and their lives seem gray and unremarkable.
Although this syndrome can lead to serious mental problems, there is an area where it is very useful. We are talking about marketing and the ability to influence the target audience through their fears and concerns. With a well-thought-out strategy, you can offer a consumer with FOMO a product or service that will close their need and help them feel better.
When a person suffers from fear of missing out, he tries his best to get rid of negative feelings and compensate for them with positive ones. A simple way to do this is to indulge in shopping. According to surveys, about 60% of people with FOMO during mood swings made purchases online. Millennials are mostly affected by the syndrome. Before making a purchase, such people choose carefully, looking for that thing that will override the unpleasant feeling. However, as soon as they find the best option, without delay they place their order. And in this case, a properly composed email newsletter can convince them to buy a particular product.

FOMO fear of missing out

A proven way to encourage people to buy is an offer of discounts, which, however, is only valid for a limited amount of time. A separate purchase incentive for this category of consumers would be a countdown timer for the promotion, located in the email.
To increase the value of the product, use arguments that the person will receive an additional benefit from the purchase. For example, the kit can come with another item at a discount.
Good effect on consumers and the realization that someone has already bought the product. People who are subject to the fear of missing out, are extremely susceptible to the influence of others, even strangers. Reviews from bloggers and celebrities have a similar effect on them, and the more reviews, the faster the consumer will decide to buy.
FOMO significantly reduces the quality of human life, but at the same time, it can be used to attract the consumer’s attention to the company and its product. It is important in this case to show how the purchase will improve life, and what positive emotions it will bring.