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How much does a house from a celebrity in Beverly Hills cost?

January 20, 2021

For how much money singer Gwen Stephanie has sold her house in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills is one of the most prestigious districts in Los Angeles. It is inhabited mainly by celebrities and show business stars. The cost of luxury villas and apartments here is almost 10 thousand dollars per square meter. On average, a house in Beverly Hills needs to pay about 2 million dollars, which is 50% more than last year.
Interest in luxury real estate is growing, and many people want to become neighbors to a celebrity. It is profitable to buy housing in the area in order to generate income. In a couple of years, the villas increase in price, which can provide a good profit. For example, the recently famous singer Gwen Stephanie sold a house in Beverly Hills for 21 million dollars, although she bought it in 2006 for 13 million dollars. In 14 years, its value has grown significantly.
Initially Gwen Stephanie’s agents asked for $35 million for the property, but in the process of negotiations the buyer managed to reduce the amount and become the owner of more than 1000 square meters, which includes a villa with luxurious repairs and a huge area. The house has 7 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms, a room with a home theater, a fitness room and a Jacuzzi. In the yard there is a swimming pool.

The design of the star’s housing is made in bright colors, the walls are decorated with graffiti, and each room has its own feature in the form of an original interior element or colorful furniture.
The real estate, which belongs to celebrities, is always in demand. Many rich people want to live like stars and enjoy the energy of fame and success.
Recently for sale is the house of Kurt Cobain and his wife Courtney Love. Unlike the real estate of Gwen Stephanie, it can be purchased for only 7.5 million dollars. Despite the fact that the mansion belonged to the frontman of the popular group Nirvana, its price is quite modest. The reason for this is its location in Seattle and its history. It was built in 1902, and is made in the architectural style of that time. The house of 743 square meters has 4 bedrooms with separate bathrooms, a large garage, which was completed in 1999. The territory of the house is 3 thousand square meters.
Real estate in Beverly Hills is valued much higher, it brings more income and pays off faster. Trends in the market do not indicate a decline, so you can expect an increase in value.
Beverly Hills, despite the fact that it is surrounded by Los Angeles from all sides, is considered an independent city. The mild climate and the presence of silverwood provide an endless flow of tourists who are interested in renting property. So if you want to invest in Beverly Hills and its housing, it is worth considering an apartment for rent.