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Italy’s hotel sector is increasing investment

January 8, 2024

Italy’s hotel sector has become the leader in Europe in terms of investment volume

Consulting firm Deloitte has published a study on the European real estate market. The Italian hotel sector ranks first in the region regarding the number of hotels. The country is also the leader in terms of investment in the industry, with 6.1 billion euros invested in the year, representing 15% of the total investment in the sector in Europe.
According to the analysis, Italy has more than 32 thousand hotels. This is the highest number in the EU. The local hotel industry is popular with investors – 89% of respondents expressed a desire to invest in the sector.
Deloitte notes different trends in investor preferences depending on the geographical location of the hotels. Most respondents prefer to invest in properties in the central and northern parts of the country. Less popular were properties on the islands and in southern Italy. The statistics are as follows:
– 88% favoured complexes located in popular cities;
– 67% consider investing in hotels by the sea;
– 38% think of promising hotels near lakes;
– 25% plan to invest in resorts in mountainous areas;
– 17% are interested in rural areas;
– 8% want to invest in hotels in smaller, less popular Italian cities.
In general, we can speak of good dynamics in developing the hotel business in Italy. The distribution of investments is fairly balanced across all country regions, and demand remains high. Analysts see excellent prospects for the sector’s development in the coming years.

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Italian Property Market Overview

Gabetti Research has recorded an increase in investment in the Italian property market. In the first six months of 2023, investment in the sector totalled around 2 billion euros, with growth of 3% in the second quarter. The report outlines the most popular property types in Italy:
– office properties received 450 million euros of investment;
– logistics facilities – 440 million euros;
– residential – 330 million euros;
– hotels – 303 million euros;
– shops and retail premises – 211 million euros.
Less popular were land, power plants, mixed-use properties and healthcare facilities.
The strongest demand was for property in the northern part of Italy. This region accounted for some 68% of the investment. The central part accounted for 18% and the southern part 4%. The various regions of Italy accounted for the remaining 10%.
In 2023, analysts noted the activity of foreign investors. This is particularly true of buyers from France, the United Kingdom and the United States. Investors from these countries showed interest in logistics, residential and office properties.