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Job to be Done concept as an effective way to increase sales

January 4, 2024

Job to be Done: benefits of the approach for the property sector

A properly organised sales process plays a vital role in the success of development activities. Sales during the construction phase are the main source of project funding. Marketers use various concepts to develop a sales strategy to achieve good results. One of these is Job to be Done, often combined with the Job stories format. This approach involves a deep understanding of the target audience and their motivations. Using JTBD, it is possible to qualitatively segment consumers and highlight those who really need a property.

How Job to be Done works

At the heart of the Job to be Done concept is the problem the consumer is trying to solve by buying a particular product. All factors are taken into account, such as the person’s motivation and the difficulties they face in the buying process. Specialists use this approach to achieve marketing goals in the real estate sector, as the purchase of housing allows to close several needs of the buyer at the same time.

Job to be Done concept

The Job stories method captures the tasks at hand. This format has three key components:
1. Role: defines the specific person or role you are creating a story for. This could be a buyer, a landlord, or just a user with no detailed characteristics.
2. Task: the problem or task faced by the user.
3. Goal: the desired outcome the user wants to achieve by solving a particular problem or challenge.
While the JTBD divides the target audience into different segments, job stories help describe each consumer group in detail. For qualitative segmentation, the sales force collects data from the CRM system through customer surveys. In this case, research and questionnaires from potential buyers and people who have already bought a home have produced excellent results. In this way, specialists learn about the motivations and goals of property buyers and develop a sales strategy based on these.

Using CHATGRT in the JTBD approach

Artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for analysing and segmenting the target audience. The most common option for the property market is a combination of CHATGART and the Meta Ads service. The algorithm of actions:
– introducing the CHATGRT to the residential complex where the apartments are for sale;
– setting the task of finding the most suitable groups of buyers for the property;
– describing the segments in Job Stories format;
– it is also necessary to define the targeting settings for the selected segments;
– set the task of creating advertisements and creatives.
Thus, Š”hatGRT can present a ready-made campaign to promote the housing estate on Facebook and Instagram. Furthermore, they can test the strategies for each segment, finding the most effective approach for the most significant number of consumers.