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Korea Fund as a major player on the real estate market in Poland

January 5, 2021

How the Korean Fund is increasing its investments in Poland

The real estate market in Poland has been showing good dynamics for several years now. This fact increases the interest in the segment from investors from other countries. The Korean Fund actively invests money in the construction of residential and commercial objects, seeing excellent prospects and benefits in the state.
Korean investors have long shown interest in the real estate market of European countries. And this year Poland has become one of the five most promising countries for investing money by Chinese companies. This position was officially announced at the business forum that took place in Seoul. There, Korean and their Polish partners agreed to expand cooperation. Some real estate objects in the European country already belong to various funds from China, for example, logistics centers of Amazon Corporation, which are located in Poland.
Investors are primarily interested in office and warehouse space, which is quite predictable due to the development of this segment. Last year, the commercial real estate market in Warsaw broke a record in terms of demand.
In addition, the popularity of Poland increases its economic performance. The country is showing growth, unemployment is decreasing, and political stability has been maintained for a long time. It is safe from the investment point of view, which has already been appreciated by Korean funds.

The relations between the two countries have been successfully going on for 30 years, but at a recent business forum, the Korean side emphasized that it sees great prospects for investment in Poland and wants to expand areas of cooperation. At the last event, representatives of various Chinese companies spoke and emphasized the importance of partnership with this European country.
Now South Korea is one of the largest investors after the USA and Japan. There are more than 260 projects on the territory of Poland, investments of which belong to the funds of China.
Another major player in the European market is South Africa. The share of its capital investment is growing, and soon South Africa will catch up with Korea in terms of volumes.
But despite increasing competition, China continues to invest in more and more new facilities and enterprises. The interest of Korean funds extends to various areas. Whereas at the beginning of diplomatic relations between the countries invested most in the production of electronics and home appliances, now local automobile companies are closely cooperating with Korean investors, creating promising projects.
They do not forget about the real estate segment, which is always topical. New objects are being built, office centers and shopping malls are being opened, and part of their capital belongs to Korean businessmen. Poland is interested in partnership with this state, and offers favorable conditions for cooperation to foreign entrepreneurs.