Social pages

Landing page as an effective tool to increase sales

July 4, 2024

Landing page: types and purpose

A landing page is one of the most popular promotional tools. Its function is to collect traffic that comes from advertisements. This traffic further becomes leads and customers.
A landing page can take the form of a single page, or it can be part of the structure of a full-fledged resource. Its effectiveness depends largely on well-thought-out design and content. The landing page should:
– reveal the company’s sales proposition to visitors;
– demonstrate the benefits of the product or service;
– provide answers to questions of interest to consumers;
– eliminate user doubts and objections;
– encourage the visitor to take a specific action.
Consequently, the design of the landing structure aligns with these objectives. Nothing superfluous could distract from the main theme. Keeping the consumer’s attention and guiding them along the sales funnel is important.
A landing page begins the conversion chain that takes the consumer from visiting the page to purchasing.

landing page and its functions

Types of landing page

Depending on the objectives of the marketing strategy, there are different types of landing pages.
1. A lead generator collects information about visitors. The page has a feedback form where the user enters their contact details.
2. “Through-lending”. This allows the company to demonstrate the product’s benefits attractively. The page then offers a button to place an order.
3. Sales page. This represents an online shop with full information about the product. Here, you can place an order immediately or go to the full website.
4. A compressed page aims to increase subscriptions. This type contains some mandatory blocks of information but no detailed description.
5. Promotional page. The primary purpose is to provide the consumer with complete information about the product. Here, the visitor must appreciate the offer’s benefits, not necessarily with a transition to a targeted action.
The effectiveness of the landing page depends on several factors, such as traffic sources. Marketers can use and combine various channels to achieve this. However, it is important to track the volume of traffic from different sources so that marketers can focus on the most effective channel.
When designing a landing page, make sure it loads quickly. A landing page should load instantly on different devices with high technical characteristics.
It is vital to pay special attention to contextual content. The page’s texts should be written in a specific “sales” style. They should be simple, concise, and encourage a specific action. In addition, the texts should justify the points of the TSS, arguing for these or those statements. On the one hand, the visitor can read about the company’s advantages. On the other hand, thanks to the provided evidence, they should be convinced of the truthfulness of the presented information.