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Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine: an overview of the new investment program

November 18, 2021

How to get a residence permit in Ukraine: the conditions of the program

Many countries have the option of obtaining citizenship in exchange for investment. This mechanism provides an inflow of foreign capital, and for some states is an important part of the budget replenishment. Since the beginning of this year it has been possible to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine in exchange for investments. To become a citizen, you must invest 100 thousand dollars in the company to be established on the territory of the country.
The corresponding bill was approved in January of this year. According to him, whoever wants to get a residence permit in Ukraine will have to confirm the investment of funds by providing a certificate from the bank. This document must record the enrollment of money in a special investment account, as well as their use for the economy. Another option to confirm the investment is a bank statement on the transfer of funds from a personal foreign account of the applicant to the account of the created firm already in Ukraine.
It is still difficult to say how successful such an investment program is, but the authorities hope that with its help it will be possible to attract more money to the country, and to create new jobs, a shortage of which is acute.
According to the legislation of Ukraine, persons who have lived on the territory of the country for the last 5 years have the right to obtain citizenship. At the same time, departure to other countries should not exceed 180 days per year. In addition, if a foreigner is married to a Ukrainian, they have the right to apply for a local passport after 2 years.

It should also be understood that in Ukraine dual citizenship is not allowed, which means that you can claim it only after renouncing the document of another country.
As for the Ukrainians themselves, they are increasingly active in obtaining a residence permit of the European Union. The maximum was observed in 2019, when 757 thousand citizens of Ukraine received residence permits from various EU countries. They became leaders among applicants from other states. In 2020, due to the pandemic of border closures, this figure decreased significantly.
In 2019, activity among Ukrainians was noticed due to an increase in residence permits, which were issued for work. Many left for the purpose of employment, as the European Union has higher wages in a number of positions. A large percentage of citizens also obtained residence permits in order to obtain education or to reunite with family.
Most Ukrainians applied to Poland, and here the maximum number of permits for natives of this country was issued compared to other EU countries. The second most popular destination for Ukrainian citizens is Germany, followed by Spain and France.