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Online promotion in the real estate market is gaining popularity

February 7, 2022

Online promotion as an effective tool to increase sales

Global processes have changed processes in many areas, and the real estate market is no exception. After the pandemic, buyer behavior has changed, and developers are trying their best to adjust to the new realities. The Russian market, like the entire world, is experiencing a boom in demand, and with it, a record jump in prices. Despite this, the competition in the segment is quite strong, especially in the key cities – Moscow and St. Petersburg. In order to maintain their positions and attract potential buyers, developers are actively using online promotion.
According to research, use of digital advertising increases every year. And if previously contextual advertising was the main type of promotion, now more and more developers are using online video advertising. This approach allows for an emotional communication with the consumer, and also increases the number of conversions through targeting. It should be noted that in Russia video content creation lags behind the state of affairs in developed countries, but there is already a positive trend. Compared to the quality of these ads a couple of years ago, today’s videos are a significant step forward.
Native advertising in Yandex.Zen is in the highest demand among Russian developers. It makes it possible to find creative approaches and is not limited in imagination, thanks to which the content becomes more varied and vivid, which attracts users.

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A good result brings placement in geoservices; it is an excellent alternative to outdoor advertising, focused on niche tasks. In order for promotion to be effective at each stage of the sales funnel, it is better to use a set of different tools. According to researchers, more than 60% of calls come from Yandex’s advertising service. Advertisers are actively investing in online promotion in the “Real Estate” category. Most often, advertising is used for online aggregators that provide offers on various properties. Demand for native promotional posts on social networks is showing steady growth. Multi-formats are also popular with developers. These tools make it possible to adapt advertisements for placement on various sites. Effective banners and carousel, through which you can show several slides in one ad. In this way, users can learn about the benefits of the offer and show interest in the developer.
Video advertising remains the leader, the budget for this type of promotion in the last year has increased by 3 times. This format has an excellent effect on the audience, it demonstrates a high level of engagement and increases the chances of a sale. In addition, videos have a positive impact on business indicators. In this case, targeting and the opportunities it provides play a role.
It should also be noted that the variety of advertising and the budgets for it differ depending on the class of property. Spending on promotion of elite housing is much higher than economy class.