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How outdoor and online advertising helps developers

October 9, 2021

Outdoor and online advertising: the effectiveness of the real estate approach 

Advertising works for many markets, including real estate. However, in order for the investment to be worthwhile, it is important to choose the best platform to promote the offer. This can be outdoor or Internet advertising, and in this case attention should be paid not only to the promotion of a particular project, but also to the developer as a whole. The object from the already known market builder causes more interest from the potential buyers, than from the newcomer.
Before starting an advertising campaign, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the target audience in order to identify its share among other consumers. This mechanism will allow you to target potential buyers more specifically, using methods that will work in this segment. You should also take into account the region in which you will be promoting, and the main message of the promotional campaign.
In the last few years, developers have begun to use new approaches to promote their products. Internet advertising is now in the first place in terms of effectiveness, and outdoor advertising remains an important channel. As for once popular publications in the media, they bring an extremely small percentage of customers. Now printed publications are used more to promote the developer’s brand than to advertise a particular object.

Given the competition in the market, developers have to increase their advertising budgets. At the same time, they are rational about spending, so they choose platforms that will influence a wide audience. The optimal solution is advertising on the Internet, it has an excellent ratio of cost and effectiveness. Many companies note that people turn to them after they have seen information about the project on the web. Promotion can be done on several sources: real estate portal, search engine, social networks. According to experts, Internet advertising, if properly organized, can provide more than 60% of the total number of appeals to the developer. In addition, promotion on the Internet causes a high level of trust among users.
Internet advertising works great for the promotion of new buildings, which contributes to the quality visualization of the object and dynamic banners. Moreover, such content can be placed even on non-specialized portals and will also bring effect.
Outdoor advertising is considered the most expensive, but it is still impossible to refuse it. Banners placed on the street or in shopping centers work well at the stage of launching sales, which makes up for its high cost. And here an important role is played by the region of such advertising.
The cheapest option for outdoor promotion are banners and billboards at the site. With properly thought-out design, they can bring 25-40% of hits. The cost of billboards is more expensive, but they allow you to place more information and are visible to a large number of people.