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How to get a permanent place of residence in Malta by investment: conditions of the state program

August 13, 2021

A permanent place of residence in Malta by investment: what do you need to know when applying?

From 2015, foreign nationals are entitled to receive a permanent residence permit in Malta in exchange for investment. This option of residence in the country is quite advantageous, given that a small European state is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, has a mild climate, stable economy and developed tourism.
The program offered by Malta is generally similar to many similar ones, but also has its own unique features.
The availability of money from a foreigner is not a guarantee that he will receive coins. Every person is subject to a security check when applying, which is carried out by a number of international organizations, including Interpol and Europol. Therefore, wishing to invest in real estate in Malta must be as open and honest as possible, not to hide the criminal record, problems with the law. This applies not only to the investor, but also to all members of his family. The sources of income will also be checked. Refusal to apply for permanent residence may be due to various reasons, for example, the inspection authorities did not like this or that fact of biography or you have hidden some information.
When applying to join the program, you should contact a licensed agent, who will conduct an initial review and assist in collecting the necessary documents.

It should be noted that permanent residence is not a full citizenship of the country, but there are not so many differences. Having a residence permit, it is forbidden to hold public office, but you can legally live, transport your family, travel without a visa. Your children, already born in Malta or adopted there, automatically get citizenship. It is possible to obtain the status by investing 270 thousand euro or more in the property. If there is no such money, but you really want to live in the country, the rules of the program allow you to obtain permanent residence by renting accommodation within 5 years, but the rental rate should be not less than 12 thousand euros per year. Besides buying an apartment or a house, it is necessary to invest 250 thousand Euro in government bonds for 5 years. The yield of such investment is 3% per annum. At registration it is necessary to pay an administrative fee in the amount of 30 thousand Euro.
The income of the applicant for permanent residence must be from 100 thousand euros, but if there is no permanent income, then the capital of 500 thousand euros. Having received this status, the investor and his family can permanently reside in the country or move from time to time.
In Malta it is also possible to obtain citizenship by investment, but here the amount of investment is from 800 thousand euros.