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What role do PR and advertising play for the real estate market

November 9, 2021

PR and advertising for the real estate market: how to use the right tools

Development companies see marketing as a tool for getting results, a kind of investment that should pay off through an increase in the number of customers. Communications play an important role here, as well as PR and advertising, which not everyone knows how to use correctly.
In the real estate market, the product is the object, the acquisition of which can be carried out at the stage of construction. The latter, in turn, may take several years, resulting in a much longer sales cycle than in other segments. In this case, the credibility of the developer and his brand plays an important role, so many companies pay special attention to building a positive image and enhancing customer confidence. Various PR-tools are of great help in this, the main aim of which is not to increase sales per se, but to form the attitude to the company as to the reliable developer.
This direction appeals first of all to the mission and values of the developer. The events are not acknowledged to show the advantages of this or that object, they show the social significance of the developer in the development of the market and the separate district. Today PR-approaches are changing, the collaboration of developers and real estate agencies, as well as open door days, where potential customers get acquainted with the developer and his philosophy, are becoming more and more important. A striking example – the Avantazh company from Kharkiv, which first in the market of Ukraine began to demonstrate the progress of construction at the sites, to inform about the degree of readiness.

As for promotions, the Internet is an important promotional tool here. Bright banners, business card sites, dynamic elements on various portals – all this helps to attract users not only to the object, but also to the company as a whole. The popularity of outdoor advertising is not diminishing. Despite the rather hefty rates, placing billboards, posters and banners works well and brings customers.
Developer’s budget for PR and advertising depends on the profitability of the project, usually it varies from 3-5%. If the property belongs to economy class, the funds will be less, and standard tools will be used. In the case of premium real estate marketers and PR-specialists develop separate promotion strategies, which include naming and website creation. Despite the high costs, with the right approach, all investments pay off. Proof of this is UNIT.City, which is a single ecosystem for life, work, and entertainment. This block does not need any advertising, its philosophy and created image allowed us to take a strong position in the market. So far this project is unique for Ukraine, and it perfectly demonstrates the role of PR. Promotional tools that were introduced during the first stages are still working perfectly today, but without big investments.