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PR strategy as an effective tool of activity in the property market

April 25, 2024

How a PR strategy helps an estate agent attract clients

PR strategy is an integral part of building a successful business. It is essential in highly competitive fields, such as the property market. High-quality PR will highlight the advantages of the offer and attract the client’s attention.
The main aim of PR is to create a positive image for the company or individual, thereby attracting the public’s interest. Building a positive reputation is extremely important for estate agents and brokers. In this case, they are selling a property and a service. The real estate agent’s work consists of many elements. He has to check and collect the property, organise negotiations between the buyer and the seller, close the deal and much more. In addition, this professional promotes the property and prepares it for viewing. They also act as an intermediary between clients and various institutions, such as banks.
Trust plays a crucial role in the relationship between the estate agent and the client. The buyer relies on the specialist’s experience and professionalism. The agent, in turn, acts in the client’s interest and based on their wishes. Therefore, it is important to develop a PR strategy aimed at building the image of the agency or an individual agent. This approach will be more effective than promoting a particular property.

PR strategy

What is the role of PR in real estate?

First of all, the strategy should increase awareness. The property market has a long sales cycle and is highly competitive. It is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects to be successful:
1. Recognisability. Regular participation in or organisation of professional events can help achieve this. Social networking and web advertising will also be powerful tools.
2. Building a positive reputation. Clients will not want to work with an agency with a negative reputation. Positive feedback from current clients and media publications will help create the right impression of the company. In addition, the agency or agent should take an active role in the life of the town or neighbourhood. This could be through joint street clean-ups or charity events to support specific initiatives.
3. Customer acquisition. A well-organised PR strategy will help increase the number of clients. Press releases, various promotions and meetings will attract the attention of potential property buyers. It also improves brand awareness among those not yet planning to buy.
Social media is an effective tool in a PR strategy. Regular maintenance of pages on the platforms helps to familiarise a broad audience with the agency’s activities. At the same time, through publications, the company can demonstrate its expertise in the sector, which increases the level of trust among users. In addition, social media enables close communication with the public. This is a great way to create a positive image.