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Promotion of a construction company: goals and stages of implementation

September 29, 2021

Marketing promotion of a construction company: basic approaches

The sales cycle in the real estate market has always been quite long, but recently it has become even longer. The reason for this, experts say, is the income of the population – they have stopped growing, which means that people have less and less ready cash. In order to buy real estate, they either have to sell the property they already have or take out a mortgage. Therefore, marketers have an important task to organize the promotion of the construction company in such a way as to speed up the process of buying, despite the difficulties of the market.
Marketing is an important tool to improve performance in any field, including the real estate market. It consists of several interrelated stages, based on a properly developed strategy. The formation of the latter depends on a number of factors, including the class of housing, market trends, the peculiarities of the developer.
Next, marketers determine the tasks that will help to achieve the desired result. These include lead generation, cold lead warming, techniques to increase brand awareness, and promotions. Each of these stages requires a specific set of digital tools, and they may change during the implementation of the strategy.

An important point is to determine the audience of potential buyers. To do this, visits to the site, information from calls to managers in the sales department, and queries in search engines are analyzed. Next, advertising tools are connected – a campaign in the media space. These channels are used to inform consumers about the product and the start/finish date of construction. In this case, it is necessary to provide information about the developer and his project to the maximum number of people. It should be understood that such advertising does not give an instant result, although it requires large investments. Its effectiveness can be seen after a few months, when users will be moving to the developer’s website or calling the sales department.
Special attention is paid to the company’s reputation on the Internet during the realization of marketing strategy. Specialists monitor any mention of the developer and study the context. There are more and more such requests in the process of promoting the construction of real estate. The thing is that consumers have a lot of questions about the construction process, materials and technology used. The closer the moment of commissioning, the more inquiries about the finishing works, the deadline for receiving the keys and the possibility to start making repairs in the apartment they bought. In order not to lose current and future clients, the company should promptly respond to the arising questions, study the negative reviews and give explanations. This is necessary to ensure that the positive reputation of the developer is not in doubt. Do not forget about social networks, the importance of promotion which is growing every year.