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Promotion on YouTube and the peculiarities of attracting customers through the platform

June 22, 2023

How to set up promotion on YouTube: useful tips

Promotion on YouTube is gaining momentum every year. More and more marketers prefer to use this channel to attract customers because an optimally chosen strategy brings good results. However, it is very important to set up the advertising campaign correctly. Then the platform will become the most effective tool for increasing sales and attracting new customers to your business.
A marketing strategy for YouTube can be divided into two parts – advertising and content. The first option is suitable for getting results in a relatively short period of time – and this platform is perfect for such tasks.
The first step in this type of promotion – is to create a promotional video with a duration of 1 minute. And the video can be filmed without the participation of the head of the company, but it is better that the user immediately gets acquainted with the representative of the company. This way the viewer will remember the content of the video and associate the company with a certain person.

set up promotion on YouTube

The second step is to set up an ad in the Google Ads Cabinet. The process begins with the selection of the target audience, which is extremely important. The more thoroughly potential clients and their needs are studied, the more effective the promotion will be. Therefore, when setting it up, it is necessary to pay attention to all the details that will reduce the cost of attracting a consumer and getting more applications. For example, the target audience can be people who have entered queries in Google on the desired topic. This also includes users who have visited profile sites on your topic and competitors’ resources. Your ads will be shown before the start of other videos and can be skipped after 5 seconds of viewing.
The second option for promotion on the YouTube platform is to fill with the right content and use SEO tools. The algorithms of the resource will bring new customers to your videos, forming an organic output. The advantage of YouTube in this case is that there is no concept of old content like on Instagram. With the right content, the platform will recommend to users even those videos that were published several years ago.
An important point in this type of promotion is that the content should be useful to the target audience and fit a specific theme. The content of the videos should motivate viewers to take a specific action – to buy a product or service. And it is better to use the content neutrally, without a clear advertising focus, because it might scare away potential customers.
It is necessary to make the appropriate settings in Google office. In this case, it is necessary to link the office to your company page, business website, or an account on social networks. In this way, Google will create an audience for broadcasting videos from those users who visit the designated resources.