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Push notifications: an effective promotional tool

October 26, 2023

How to create push notifications correctly

Push notifications are messages that appear on the screen of a mobile device when an application is used. They can be both an effective promotional tool and a negative perception of a company or its product. It all depends on how well the notification is set up.
There are two main types of push notifications:
Marketing. They inform users about promotions or discounts on selected products, increasing engagement to improve human interaction with the app.
Service. They are aimed at helping the user communicate with the company. This could be messages that remind them to pay, ask for feedback or inform them of their order status.
An important feature of marketing messages is that they should contain information that is useful to the user. It is better if they come with some frequency, but not often. The information in the push should be relevant to where the user is in the funnel. For example, if a person has just signed up, they might receive information about the benefits of a product that prompts them to take a specific, targeted action. Such information could be calls to subscribe or instructions on how to link a card to the app. In the future, push notifications should be more personalised, as the company already has some data about the user and their preferences.

push notifications

Tips for push notifications

The character limit for the headline and the text itself should be a guideline when composing the push. The limit for the headline is 50 characters, and for the body, 150 characters. Only useful information should be included in the push, and it should be as concise and easy to understand as possible. The information in the headline and the body should not duplicate each other. Also, it’s best not to use long sentences so the user doesn’t lose the essence of their reading.
Research shows that users perceive exclamation marks and emoticons as intrusive advertising elements and react negatively to them. Similar effects are caused by manipulative calls to participate in one-day sales or messages about the last chance to buy limited edition items. Such techniques put pressure on users and reduce their loyalty.
For push notifications to be effective, they need to be tailored to the user and follow them from the moment they are introduced to the app. At the same time, they should be meaningful and not act as spam. A good solution is to use notifications to motivate users without overpressuring them. In addition to the text, consider the technical features – how big the push window is and how quickly it appears and disappears.