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Quiz marketing as a tool to promote a product or brand

April 27, 2023

How to use quiz marketing to attract users

Tests and various quizzes are traditionally popular with Internet users. Even the most absurd and ridiculous quizzes help to distract people from their current tasks and get stuck on the site for a few minutes. The attractiveness of such content has not gone unnoticed by specialists, and they actively use it to promote their products or brand. This trend is called quiz marketing and is based on the use of a game, and entertainment mechanics to increase the attention of the audience.
According to studies, users click through to pages 82% of the quizzes and online tests they come across in their social media feeds. And many share their results with their followers, thereby contributing to the spread of quizzes. Marketers use a form of testing to promote a product. In the process of taking the quiz, the user receives recommendations on an issue and options for solving his or her query through a particular product or service. Thanks to such advertising, it is possible to reduce the cost of customer requests by 2-4 times.
The benefits of using quizzes in marketing:
– help increase the time users spend on the site;
– through them you can find out the preferences and interests of users, improve the segmentation of the target audience;
– increase the reach of potential customers through their viral nature and a large number of reposts;
– help to acquaint users with the features of the product in an easy and unobtrusive way;
– increase brand credibility;
– help bring the user closer to making a purchase.

what is quiz marketing

When promoting a quiz, it acts primarily as a method of communication, and this feature should be taken into account when choosing one type or another. It is important to understand what message the brand wants to convey through the use of a quiz or questionnaire, and what information the user wants to receive. And already on the basis of this information, it is necessary to choose the type of quiz. For example, in the case of using surveys, you can get data on user preferences and learn more about them.
In the case of tests, there are often various promotional integrations, this version of the quiz can tell the user about the products, their benefits, and the benefits for the person.
In the case of quizzes, the user can win a prize – it can be a branded product.
The location of the quiz depends on the goals of the marketing strategy. A popular option is a quiz landing page that targets a specific audience. In addition, quizzes and tests are often placed on corporate websites. In this case, they help users navigate the company’s products and services. A convenient option for placing quizzes is online designers and templates that can be found on the Internet.
Another place for all kinds of quizzes is social platforms. The advantage of such platforms is that they often end up in users’ feeds as recommendations.