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Why it is profitable to invest in real estate in Amsterdam: country’s advantages

December 14, 2020

Real estate in Amsterdam: how to buy a home and review of yield

Holland has a special charm that attracts millions of tourists to the country. Especially interesting is Amsterdam, which by its architecture and measured pace of life is significantly different from other European countries. In addition, the Dutch government fully supports investments and offers to buy real estate in Amsterdam and other cities on favorable terms.
The highest cost of housing in the major cities of the country – Amsterdam and Rotterdam. If in other regions you can buy an apartment for 50-68 thousand euros, then in these metropolises the price will be 30-70% higher.
It is profitable to buy real estate in Amsterdam or another city of the state for rent. Unlike in many countries, there is no need to pay tax on income from housing. The offer is quite limited, and the number of tourists increases regularly, so finding tenants is not a problem. Another pleasant bonus is that the rates are usually increased annually.
The cost of housing in Holland is growing steadily, and investing in the market will be an excellent option for income generation.
Acquisition of real estate by foreigners is not a problem. Flexible legal and tax system allows you to easily draw up a contract of sale. According to local legislation, the owner of the property in 3 years after its acquisition has the right to apply for a residence permit.

Deciding to buy a home in Holland, you should first of all ask for help from a realtor. It is better to look for a local specialist, rather than using the services of an intermediary company in your country. This way, you will pay less commission. For your work, a realtor asks for 2% of the transaction amount. If you buy real estate on credit, you should pay an additional 1%. This is due to the fact that a specialist has to execute more documents.
The transaction is certified by a notary, who takes about 1% of the cost of housing. In addition, a 6% tax must be paid.
Be ready for the costs that will appear in the process of owning the property. The mandatory tax on it is 0.3%, plus the annual insurance – 0.16%. Utility payments in Holland are quite high, which is worth considering when setting the rental rate.
Real estate in Amsterdam or another city is a profitable investment in the future. Even if you do not plan to move to the country for permanent residence, you can buy housing and rent it out, having a high stable income. In addition, owning a property will make it easier to get a Schengen visa, and with it you can travel all over Europe.