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New rules in Saudi Arabia: citizens are allowed to rent homes to tourists

April 17, 2023

Short-term rentals for tourists: the rules of registration

Saudi Arabia has revised a number of rules in force for the tourism sector. According to the innovations, the country is allowed to rent short-term accommodation to tourists. According to experts, such changes will allow such services as Airbnb and HomeAway to work in the kingdom.
The Ministry of Tourism explains its decision by the desire to meet modern trends in the country and the world at large. In addition, the number of visitors to the kingdom is increasing every year, thereby ensuring the growth of demand for facilities for short-term rentals. One of the key objectives of the authorities is to create a comfortable business environment that will increase the level of services provided. In addition, the wide supply in the short-term rental sector will be an additional incentive to increase the number of visitors to Saudi Arabia. The new regulations will help local young people to find employment and will be good support for the sector.
According to the innovation, citizens of the country can use their housing for rent. To do this, they need to apply to the relevant institution that deals with the issuance of permits. One person can get no more than three such documents for different properties. The object for renting can be an apartment, a villa, or a townhouse, but it is important that it has the status of a residential property or one that can be used for agricultural purposes. When applying, you must provide a document of ownership of the property or a lease agreement that allows you to use the property. Documents are provided electronically.

rentals for tourists in Saudi Arabia

The authorities have also developed a number of rules aimed at protecting tourists. For example, the owner must submit real photographs of the property. The list of services and their cost, including all fees and taxes, must be in the apartment. The list must be presented in English and Arabic.
Landlords have no right to visit accommodations rented by tourists without their consent. The exception may be an emergency situation. After occupancy, the owner can not evict the tenant without recording this fact by the relevant authorities. In order to gain access to the facility, the tourist must present an identity card.
It should be noted that the expansion of short-term rentals in Saudi Arabia is not the only innovation in the country. Changes were also made in the mechanism for obtaining citizenship. Now children born in a marriage of local women with immigrants can obtain citizenship after the age of 18. The fact is that in Saudi Arabia, citizenship is automatically granted by the father, and now the children of a Saudi woman can also claim this status. However, applicants must have been born in the country and also know Arabic.