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SEO: what to pay attention to when improving the site

January 19, 2023

SEO promotion of the site: the main stages of work

For the development of modern business, having a working website is an indispensable tool for promotion. However, it is not enough just to create a web resource, it is important to maintain it and make it useful in the form of traffic, customers, and sales. To do this, use SEO tools that help to achieve your goals. It should be understood that this approach does not give an immediate effect, but it is excellent in the long term.
Website promotion includes five main steps, the implementation of which should be carried out one by one. And to achieve maximum results, it is important to act continuously. The longer it takes to implement SEO activities on the site, the less investment is needed. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the first time you will have to perform a large set of changes to the site, but their effect can be seen after a fairly long time.
The first thing SEO starts with is a comprehensive analysis of the resource, an assessment of its functionality, and opportunities for promotion. Specialists carefully study the presence of elements necessary for promotion – the semantic core, the structure of the site, and the peculiarities of its content. An important factor is considered usability, as well as the visibility of the requests in search engines.

SEO tools

In addition, analytics includes the study of competitors and their advantages. And already on the basis of the problems identified on the site, the characteristics of the market and competitors make a promotion strategy.
Next comes the compilation of the semantic core and the elaboration of keywords. It is to the latter that search algorithms respond and make up the output. In this, robots evaluate keywords in combination with other factors, but the quality of the semantic core plays a major role.
After proceeding to the formation of the structure of the site, which is the basis for effective and smooth operation. It should be clear to the user, so he can quickly find the desired section or product. Here the keywords that were chosen when compiling the semantic core, are distributed in accordance with the content of the pages. Each step should be carried out according to a certain logic and hierarchy.
To improve the visibility of the site a number of works on internal optimization. This includes a variety of actions, including checking the download speed, identifying technical problems, removal of double pages, and others. Separate attention is paid to content, here are making adjustments to the existing content, or re-fill the site with quality publications.
After that comes the time of external optimization, which involves increasing the number of links to the site, placed on external resources. It is important to do it on thematic sites and not to overdo it.
The set of SEO measures is quite extensive, but it is important to remember that the work must be carried out first of all qualitatively. Only in this way will they bring the desired result.