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SEO analysis: the mistakes specialists make when carrying it out

November 9, 2023

How to do SEO analysis correctly: tips

SEO analysis is an integral part of the work to improve site functionality and increase conversion. However, many professionals still forget to perform it regularly or make serious mistakes. This may reduce the effectiveness of all the measures taken to optimise the resource. To avoid this, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the most common mistakes and avoid them.

The focus is solely on ranking

This characteristic plays an important role in SEO, but you should not focus on it alone. You should also pay attention to other metrics, including:
1. Organic traffic. This is the number of users who come to the site via search engines. Its increase contributes to a better ranking of keywords.
2. Conversion rate, thanks to which site visitors become potential customers. To determine this metric, track the number of orders, registrations and newsletter subscriptions.
3. User engagement. It helps to assess how much time people spend on the site and how many pages they view.
You should also pay attention to social media indicators, subscribers’ activity under publications, and the rating of posts.

Google Analytics Opt-out

The Google Analytics service offers a wide range of tools to improve SEO efficiency. Here you can track the dynamics of various characteristics, including traffic sources, keywords and others. The programme automatically generates a report on the required indicators for a given period, making it possible to understand progress.

SEO analysis

Lack of focus on conversions

Without conversion tracking, the specialist has no information about the user’s behaviour on the site. In order to analyse this indicator for SEO purposes, you need to carry out several actions:
– sign up for analytics services such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel;
– set clear goals for tracking;
– avoid repeating URLs for different ad campaigns;
– conduct regular conversion analysis;
– test website changes before implementing them.
You can track the slightest changes in user behaviour by following these tips.

Local SEO promotion

By optimising a website for local searches, you can increase the visibility of the resource and the business to local customers, thereby increasing their number. A useful tool for this is the Google My Business service and filling in complete information about the company. Experts also recommend registering in local business directories to increase visibility on the Internet. It is also necessary to add keywords to the website that match local searches.

Mobile SEO analysis

The number of users of mobile devices is actively growing, so it is essential to adapt the site for smartphones. In this case, pay attention to the design of the resource so that it displays properly on devices of different sizes. In addition to adaptability, it is necessary to regularly monitor mobile traffic. This will allow you to identify the most popular pages and publications for smartphone users.
SEO analysis is a valuable tool for increasing the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. With its help, you can significantly increase the number of users on the site and identify problems and points for resource development in a timely manner.