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Short-term rentals in Turkey: an overview of the new requirements

March 18, 2024

Short-term rentals in Turkey: operating rules

Since January 2024, short-term rentals in Turkey have come under the control of the Ministry of Tourism. The rules for operating in the sector have also changed, which may restrict some property owners. Under the new regulations, short-term accommodation lasts less than 100 nights.
The requirements for organising activities have also increased. To rent out a property in Turkey, it is now necessary to obtain the consent of all the flat owners in the building. Exceptions are apartment complexes built on the model of hotels and multi-storey LCDs.
A sign must be displayed at the entrance to the building or apartment with short-term rentals. The new rules also specify its size and content. You must also have a fire alarm system and fire extinguishing equipment.
It is worth noting that studio flats are not among the types of property that can be subject to rental. Flats with at least one bedroom and a living room are suitable for short-term accommodation. It is possible to combine a living room with a kitchen.
Accommodation capacity requirements:
– no more than two guests per bedroom;
– the maximum number of people, regardless of the property size, is 12; children under 3 years old do not count as separate guests.
An accommodation must have the necessary appliances. Bed linen and towels must be provided for guests.

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Short-term rentals in Turkey licensing requirements

The owner must contact the relevant ministry to obtain a licence to let the property for short-term rental. The owner fills in a specific list of documents and sends them by e-mail. The procedure takes place online only.
The application will be the subject of a receipt:
– natural persons owning real estate;
– legal entities – owners of premises;
– beneficial owners;
– travel agencies and real estate companies;
– property management companies.
Owners often prefer to work through management companies or real estate agencies. This greatly simplifies the process of obtaining a licence.
In addition to documents confirming ownership and the owner’s identity, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the occupants of the property. This must be in the form of a notarized agreement. To rent an apartment in Turkey, you need the permission of 80% of the building owners. This is the most complicated point and takes time and effort.


Owners who rent out properties for short-term rental without permission or who do not follow the rules are liable to fines. The first fine is 100,000 lire per property. The owner will also be given 15 days to obtain a licence or correct the offence.
If the owner does not correct the mistakes and continues to operate, he will face another fine. The fine is 500,000 lire plus 15 days to fix the problems this time. For the third time, the owner must pay 1 million lire.
The owner must also register all guests with the police.