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A clever village will soon appear in the Voronezh region: the uniqueness of Japanese design

March 30, 2021

Smart village: project details

A smart village should appear in Voronezh soon. The project belongs to Japanese specialists who want to equip the houses in the village with modern sensors that will monitor the level of pressure and temperatures of citizens.
Nice Corporation from Japan in cooperation with the Russian JSC “DSK” presented an innovative project to create an eco-village “Chertovitskaya Dubrava”. The other day it was presented at a conference in the Russian Ministry of Construction.
In the village near Voronezh about 150 special houses are to be built, which will be the first step for the development of such direction throughout Russia. The project concept includes creation of smart houses and development of wellness standards to increase people’s comfort.
The interior of this type of housing will include a large number of elements made of wood. According to Japanese scientists, this approach to design helps to reduce blood pressure at the owners. Modern sensors are responsible for the optimal temperature, humidity and cleanliness of the air in the room. In addition, the device is able to respond to the values of temperature and pressure in the occupants themselves, and will notify them of changes in the data.
At the heart of the houses’ functioning is the use of solar energy. On the roof will be installed black tiles, which perfectly absorbs heat, as well as solar panels, from which the batteries are recharged.
The settlement development project is almost completed; now the necessary engineering networks and communications are being laid on the construction site. The first stage includes the construction of three houses, which will be used as experimental models. It is planned to start the project in 2023.

The first negotiations to create a smart village were held in summer in Tokyo. Representatives of several regions of the country came from Russia: St. Petersburg, Primorsky Krai, Voronezh Oblast and Republic of Tatarstan.
The innovative project is being developed under the national program Digital Economy, which includes issues on improving housing and urban environment. This concept also includes services for reservation of parking spaces and installation of smart meters in multi-storey residential complexes. They will independently transfer information about utility payments, which reduces errors in calculations and eliminates the possibility of fraud. To integrate innovative technologies to improve the lives of citizens, Rostekh has developed a special system for managing a smart city.
Modern materials, reliable and environmentally friendly, were used to create the village. Each system will operate on the principle of maximum energy efficiency and productivity. This approach will reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and provide ideal conditions for comfortable living.