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Stages of strategy implementation for real estate promotion

November 19, 2021

How thoughtful stages of strategy help sell real estate

The product sales cycle in the real estate market takes quite a long time, which is connected with the construction process of the object. In this regard, developers need not only to attract customers, but also to retain them for a long time. In such conditions it is important to choose effective tools for product promotion and think over the strategy realization stages.
According to the studies, the process of choosing an apartment for purchase takes from 4 months to several years for the consumer. This procedure includes several steps and starts with the need and the attempts to find an alternative to the purchase. It can be a rental apartment, renovation of the existing one, construction of a house. Finding no suitable solution, a person begins to explore the real estate market and stops at a particular object. Before the deal the buyer gets acquainted with the developer, its projects, and reviews on the Internet. Then he chooses the optimal format of payment – installment payment, loan, full payment. Each of these stages is accompanied by different requests in search engines, the analysis of which is important for marketers. Such data is extremely important for sales specialists, they are the basis for the formation of a promotion strategy for the developer and his project in the network. When developing it, the class of housing, the region and location of the property, the target audience, and the characteristics of the developer itself are taken into account. To make the implementation of a large-scale task as effective as possible in terms of financial and time expenditures, it is divided into several points, which are carried out sequentially:

  • lead generation;
  • lead retention;
  • heating of cold leads;
  • promotion of the brand of the developer or residential complex in order to increase its recognition;
  • techniques to increase confidence in the builder, a demonstration of its benefits;
  • maintaining a positive reputation as a developer;
  • increasing the presence of the company and its project in the information space.

Each item requires a different set of digital tools. Approaches also differ depending on what stage of construction the object is at, on the marketing plan and the volume of sales. The class of the object plays an important role in the choice of tools, for example, to promote elite real estate it is necessary to use incentives that will attract a certain group of consumers. For economy-housing they will be quite different. One of the key components of marketing strategy is a clear understanding of your target audience and approaches to it. And this factor starts with the announcement of the start of sales until the advertising on the billboard.
The success of the strategy also depends on the sequence of its stages – only with sufficient warm-up of potential buyers can go to the formation of confidence in the developer. Otherwise, consumers will have a lot of questions, the answers to which they could get at the initial stages of acquaintance with the object, and the reliability of the developer will not be so important.