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Targeted advertising for the real estate niche: features of the tool

June 8, 2023

Targeted advertising: how to set up a campaign for real estate buyers

Targeted advertising is one of the most effective tools for increasing sales and attracting customers. And it is quite universal and suitable for almost all market niches, including real estate promotion. An excellent platform for user targeting is social networks, but it is important to follow certain rules to get the right result.
The first step, which begins the implementation of any marketing strategy, regardless of the promotion channel, is the analysis of the target audience. It is necessary to create an image of an ideal real estate buyer: his age, social status, and sphere of activity. The portrait should be as detailed as possible, with the consumer’s hobbies and leisure activities. This will allow you to choose the right settings in the advertising office, which will match the image of an ideal client. In addition, understanding your client will make it possible to create an effective offer for him, which is sure to attract him.
According to the majority of surveys, the most likely women to buy a home are consumers between the ages of 28 and 37 who have stable, well-paid jobs. They have already saved a certain amount of money for the payment and can afford to pay the mortgage. These women often choose to live in the area where they rent, as it is an important infrastructure for them.
Another representative of the target group of real estate sales is married couples aged 32-45 with children. Often they already have their own home, but they want to expand it and are looking for a 2-3 room apartment.

targeted advertising for the real estate

Suburban properties are bought by people between 40 and 60 years old. They usually already have an apartment in the city, but want to spend more time in a quieter environment. The optimal purchase option for them is installment plans.
For each category of buyers, you need to select the appropriate interests, such as “Mortgage”, “Real estate”, “Children”, “Installment” and others. The offer should contain information about such items, here you can tell about the features of the layout, and the advantages of the infrastructure.
For example, if you are asking for a country house, you should describe the features of the view, the presence of a forest, a river, and the distance from central areas. It is important to understand that buyers who are looking for real estate in the premium segment, do not focus on discounts and promotions, such proposals may discourage them.
Other social media users should not be forgotten either. A good step would be to create promotional campaigns for those who have visited the site, filled out the lead form, and other people who may become potential customers. Targeting in this case will give an influx of traffic and become the basis for generating leads.