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How to create a viral video in TikTok: key points

July 18, 2024

Viral video: benefits of viral content for business

Virality is one of the best forms of advertising. It has many advantages, the most important of which is minimal investment on the company’s part. Viral videos quickly become visible to many people thanks to numerous reposts. Users create the spread by sharing an exciting video on social networks or other platforms.
But not all videos go viral. When creating them, it is essential to consider several aspects. For example, the content of the video should match the target audience’s mood and encourage them to take action. However, if it is an aggressive open advertisement, this approach will not work. You should also consider the site’s specifics where you place the content.
At the same time, if all goes well, the company gets:
– maximum coverage at low promotional cost;
– high brand recognition for a relatively short period of time;
– increased consumer loyalty;
– active organic traffic generation;
– attraction of a large number of leads;
– sales growth.
It is significant to recognise that no specific themes or video formats will ensure virality. Any release can become one if you focus on a number of important aspects when creating it.

viral video

How to create a viral video

One key characteristic of this type of content is its emotional tone. The video should resonate with the audience, and not necessarily in a positive way. Contradictory and repulsive publications can also become viral. In this case, however, guaranteeing their effectiveness is even more challenging. For this reason, marketers tend to use humorous content or serious social issues.
The video should also be simple and easy to understand. It is important not to overload it with semantic connections. Otherwise, people will get bored. It is better to simplify the script; you can divide it into several videos.
Even a video designed for a narrow target audience niche can go viral. The simpler the topic, the more people want to tell their friends about the video. At the same time, the content should be interesting and somewhat intriguing.
Influencers, or people who act as experts, are an effective way to stimulate promotion.
Developing a script and a schedule is particularly necessary. The process should be structured and organised.
Often, viral videos continue to exist outside the advertising campaign. They are copied and used as inspiration to develop the theme further. Nothing is wrong with this as long as the videos benefit the company. However, it is better to stick to originality when creating them. A good result will be a new vision of an everyday situation. The main thing is that the video sticks with the audience and evokes emotions. Laughter, tears, anger – it is great if people experience a range of emotions after watching the video. This increases the likelihood of the video going viral.